Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms

As part of the graphic scheme we incorporated landscape photography and sympathetic materials to help convey the look and feel of the British Isles prior to the Norman invasion in 1066.

Printing directly to natural birch wood panels, medium format photography was used to convey glimpses of a range of Anglo-Saxon landscapes, from the rolling Suffolk fields of Sutton Hoo to the windswept coastline of Northumberland. A ten day photoshoot involved capturing landscape images at sites across the UK including Northumberland, Suffolk, Kent, Dorset and Wales.

The exhibition showcased treasures from the British Library’s own collection, including the beautifully illuminated Lindisfarne Gospels, Beowulf and Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, and the stunning finds from Sutton Hoo and the Staffordshire Hoard. The world-famous Domesday Book offered its unrivalled depiction of the landscape of late Anglo-Saxon England while Codex Amiatinus, a giant Northumbrian Bible taken to Italy in 716, returned to England for the first time in 1300 years.

Our role Graphic design / Illustration / Artwork


Science Museum
